Grace in Uncertainty

Design is a Good Idea

The word “grace” has many interpretations. For Grace in Uncertainty, I am referring to the uplifting and sustaining energy that originates from trusting you’ll always receive what you need in the moment. In contrast, anxiety derives from being in the past or the future—not in the present. Creative people seem to have access to grace especially when faced with the blank canvas, the blank page, or today, the blank screen. This ability to simply be while facing a creative void—to trust in the discovery of good ideas—isn’t a universal response. Still, we find that the benefits of grace extend far beyond the creative realm and apply to all areas of life. Mathew Fox sees creativity as a place. He writes, “We are told by those who have studied nature that creativity happens at the border between chaos and order.” In this regard, chaos is a precursor to creativity. And design is the process of intentional grace we use to bring order to chaos.

Find out why design can bring so much to the table. The power to change the world has always rested on the ability to create effective connections and communications. You’re invited to read Grace in Uncertainty and share your thoughts and comments. Enjoy!

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