Takigawa Honored by Rfotofolio
This year’s juror, Diana Bloomfield, selected Karen Olson, Jerry Takigawa, Magdalena Grela, Claudia Hollister, Norm Snyder, Robert Treat, Maija Bondar, and Matt Connors for Rfotofolio Awards recognition. About Balancing Cultures, Diana Bloomfield said: “I found this intergenerational narrative incredibly powerful. An intensely personal body of work, the core message remains universal and still resonates over 80 years later, serving as both a reminder and a warning. The grace, dignity, and the closeness of this Japanese-American family, their soft monochromatic images gently placed in the background, shine brightly through the artifacts and harsh words literally placed upon them in these photographs. This is at once heartbreaking and hauntingly beautiful work— a relevant testimony to how the past always informs the present, and the future. I also very much appreciated the insightful and heartfelt artist statement that accompanied this work.