Takigawa’s False Food Work Published Online by Spain’s Dodho Magazine

“In 2010, I watched a documentary on the Monterey Bay Aquarium in which a volunteer held up a jar for the audience to see. She explained that the colorful plastic pieces filling the jar were collected from the remains of a dead albatross on Midway Atoll.” —Jerry Takigawa

When False Food was created, the world was waking up to the ocean plastic pollution crisis. Today, that crisis extends beyond the oceans with evidence of micro and nano plastic found from the depths of the Mariana Trench to the top of Mount Everest. What was false food for the albatross has become a part of the human diet as well.

“We firmly believe that your work will inspire and excite our audience, just as it has impressed us. Your photographic skills are impressive and your unique approach has resulted in a truly magnificent collection that we are proud to present.” —Dodho Magazine

This article coincides with an exhibition for False Food at the Photographer’s Eye Gallery and Collective in Escondido, CA, opening October 14, 2023 and running through November 18, 2023.