Yes. Yes. Featured in “What Will You Remember?”

What Will You Remember is an online magazine, “dedicated to presenting engaging contemporary photography views, reviews and interviews.” With very few exhibit reviews to write for WWYR? due to Covid 19, they have “turned to the words of others to inspire short selections of images that we hope will strike a timely, resonant chord with viewers. Using evocative poetry and song lyrics to frame our theme, we have been assembling ten-to-fifteen image sequences with a narrative arc that we intend to be brief enough to hold attention and deep enough to provoke an emotional response. We have called this new feature Viewfinder.”

The September 24th edition of What Will You Remember? was guest-curated by Karen Haas, Lane Family Curator of Photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Her Viewfinder ensemble, titled “Palimpsest,” includes “Yes. Yes.,” a photograph from Jerry Takigawa’s Balancing Cultures series.

You can see the feature here.


Yes. Yes. ©2016 Jerry Takigawa